Dental bonding is a safe, cost-effective treatment that can repair small chips and gaps in your smile. With two locations in in the St. George and Great Kills areas of Staten Island, New York, Anthony Cirillo, DDS, and Vincent Circosta, DDS, offer dental bonding to improve the appearance and function of your teeth. Call Bay Dental today or schedule an appointment online to find out if dental bonding is right for you.
Dental bonding is a fast, affordable cosmetic treatment to repair damaged teeth. The procedure involves applying a composite resin solution to the surface of your tooth and hardening it with a curing light. If you have a minor crack, chip, or gap in your teeth, dental bonding is a cost-effective alternative to more invasive treatments, such as veneers or crowns.
Cosmetic bonding can treat many of the same dental concerns as veneers, such as:
The composite resin materials that cosmetic bonding uses blend in with the color of your teeth. You can expect beautiful, natural-looking results.
Dental bonding and veneers aim to improve the appearance of your teeth by repairing cracks, gaps, and discoloration. While they share many qualities, bonding and veneers do have a few key differences.
Veneers are permanent cosmetic restorations that bond to the surface of your teeth. The team must remove a portion of your enamel to make room for the restorations, so you must replace them if they become damaged. Veneers also take two visits to place and require digital impressions.
Dental bonding is faster and less costly than veneers. While bonding typically doesn’t last as long as veneers, the team can apply the material directly to your teeth instead of removing your enamel. Overall, the treatment is less invasive and time-consuming.
Dental bonding doesn’t hurt, but you may experience mild sensitivity from the curing light. If your teeth feel sensitive after the procedure, the Bay Dental team may recommend anti-inflammatory pain relievers.
Dental bonding is a relatively fast treatment compared to more involved procedures. After choosing a composite resin shade that matches your teeth, the team etches your tooth to create a rough surface and applies a bonding agent. This process allows the material to bond to the tooth.
Next, the team applies the composite resin to the tooth and molds it into the desired shape. Finally, they harden the material with a special curing light.
Call Bay Dental today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about dental bonding.